Sunday, July 31, 2011

Opening Salvo

“It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself.” Thomas Jefferson

Why a blog on legal plunder?

Without question, the United States is in steep decline.  A significant portion of my free time over the past three years has been devoted to understanding the underlying causes of the impending collapse of our nation. Our problems are fundamentally spiritual in nature - and our Founders recognized the dangers associated with a spiritually moribund citizenry:

‘A free people cannot survive under a republican constitution unless they remain virtuous and morally strong.’ 1

Our moral foundations are crumbling beneath us, and one profound consequence of that moral decay is the general acceptance of legal plunder at all levels of government – federal, state, and local.  What is legal plunder?  Stated succinctly, it is state sanctioned theft.  The aim of this blog is to strip the façade of legality off of the innumerable examples of legal plunder in our body politic and expose the plunder for what it is – theft.

Our nation is in desperate need of remediation regarding the proper role of government.  While I am cautiously optimistic about the future of the American Republic, I am also a realist – a nation cannot long endure self-destructive behavior without suffering the consequences of its folly.

The spontaneous rise of the Tea Party in response to an out of control Federal Government offers some measure of hope and optimism that the American experiment will endure.  But even the Tea Party, with its platform of limited government, free markets and fiscal responsibility, has yet to identify the most intractable and divisive source of our current debt crisis – legal plunder.

The extreme political divide in this country can be directly attributed to the struggle between the two major political camps for the spoils of legal plunder – which partially explains why citizens have begun to conclude that there is not a whit of difference between Democrats and Republicans.  Both practice legal plunder – the only difference between the camps are the beneficiaries and the victims of the plunder.  It is my hope that virtue and common sense prevail in future political debates relative to the proper role of government, without which, at a minimum, our nation's de facto state of bankruptcy will become an accomplished fact.

Recommended reading: ‘The Law’, by Frederic Bastiat – the essay provides much needed moral clarity on the topic of legal plunder.

1. The 5000 Year Leap ‘Principles of Liberty’, The National Center for Constitutional Studies.